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Buy Steroids Online:
Bulking Steroids:
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Anabol 10mg x 1000 tablets
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Testosterone cypionate 10ml
Testosterone Enanthate 250
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Testosterone Propionate, 50mg/ml , 1ml amp, Farmak
Testosterone suspension / Aqiaviron
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Tri-Trenabol 150
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Virormone 2ml (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg (50mg/1ml)

Cutting Steroids:
Aldactazide 25mg
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Boldabol 10ml 200mg/ml
Boldenol 100 10ml Vial/100mg/1ml
Bonavar 2.5mg
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Masteron 100 / 100mg/1ml
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Primobolan Depot (Methenolone) 1ml
Primobol-100 (Methenolone Enanthate) 10ml
Primoject 10ml vial contains 1000mg
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EPIAO 10000IU/1ml
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Humulin (100iu per 1ml / 3ml Vial)
IGF1 Long R3 100mcg per Vial
Jintropin 10IU(100IU/box)
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Jintropin™ AQ 30iu (150iu/kit)
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Norditropin (HGH) 4iu (1.3mg) + Solvent
Pregnyl 5000 IU
Pregnyl 15'000 IU
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Legalon 70 (70mg Thistle Milk Fruit Extract)
Liv-52 (100 Tabs per bottle)
Mesterolone BD (Proviron)
Nolvadex (Tamoxifene) 10mg
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Nolvadex, 20mg, AstraZeneca
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Proviron 25mg Mesterolone
Provironum (Mesterolone) 25mg / 150 Tabs
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Spiropent (Clenbuterol) 100 Tabs/20mcg (Clenbuteroli Hydrochloridum)
Tamoxifen (Tamoxifeni Dihydrogenocitras) 10mg/100 Tabs
Teslac (Testolactone) 50mg / 100 tabs
Tiratricol (T3) 50 x 1mg tablets
Xenical (Orlistat) 84 x 120mg capsules

Efedrina Level 25mg (Efedrina Clorhidrato)
Nucofed (Ephedrine)


Steroid Cycles

Steroid Cycles

With the wide variety of anabolic/androgenic steroids available, planning the most appropriate cycle may seem like a difficult task to the steroid novice. Even if we have settled on a particular drug or drug combination, it is still easy to question whether or not we are using them in the most effective manner. This is one of those topics which can get more confusing with research, as you will find the popular literature filled with various stacking, cycling, tapering and receptor response [upregulation/downregulation] theories. If you have purchased this book in the hopes it will provide you some new and unusual ways to take anabolic/androgenic steroids, you will probably be disappointed. I have actually developed the opinion that athletes usually place too much importance on cycle construction. Experimenting with fancy dosing patterns, rotation schedules and [especially] tapering routines, hoping they will bring about enhanced results, is in my opinion a very unreliable practice. In this section I will therefore be ignoring the more lavish intake regimens, and focus on the more fundamental aspects to using these drugs. This is obvious when you look at the sample cycles included, which you will notice display little fluctuation in drug dosages from start to finish. They are not fashioned as such due to laziness, but simply because my personal experience has led me to a place where picking a dosage and sticking with it [unless there is an obvious need to adjust] seems to make the most sense. Of course it is ultimately up to the individual to find out what works best for him or her, as nobody can rightly claim that there is one "correct" way for everyone to use steroids. Here are a few things to think about when deciding on the right cycle for your needs.

It is an extremely common practice for an athlete to take more than one individual steroid during a cycle. By taking a combination of steroids, the user is of course seeking to enhance the amoun/quality of muscle mass gained from drug therapy. While I am sure it is no surprise that stacking is generally an effective practice, you should probably give some thought to expected goals and side effects before simply combining steroids. If you are looking to gain considerable mass for example, the use of two strong androgens like testosterone and Anadrol 50 would be one of the more potent cycles to attempt. But this combination would also lead to very harsh side effects, and may be too uncomfortable far some individuals. In this case it may be a good suggestion to combine a milder anabolic with a base androgen instead. A stack such as Deca-Durabolin and Dianabol would still produce very formidable muscle mass gains, but would provide to user much less water/fat retention, gynecomastia, hair loss/growth and acne than the former.

On the other hand, "anabolics" are typically the favored class of steroids for cutting/dieting phases of training. This is because most have little or no tendency for estrogen conversion, which as you know makes them less apt to induce fat and water accumulation. It is important to remember however that these steroids can still suppress endogenous testosterone production during a cycle. Since the administered drugs may not provide the body enough androgen content to compensate for this loss, this type of cycle may sometimes interfere with aggression and libido [Deca is a common offender]. In such a state the user might become depressed and unmotivated [see: side effects, depression], seriously reducing the quality [results and comfort] of the cycle. It is therefore usually a good idea to include some type of androgen during this type of cycle, especially if you have experienced such problems before. The preference would be a non-aromatizing androgenic compound like Proviron, Halotestin or trenbolone, which will not increase the likelihood for fat/water retention. In the absence of excess estrogen, the heightened androgen level brought about by these drugs can actually enhance the removal of body fat, and noticeably increase the look of hardness/density to the physique [provided the users body fat percentage is low enough to make this visible]. Such compounds were unavailable, perhaps a weekly [low dosage] shot of testosterone would prove sufficient to ward off any problems.

Finally, is also good to remember that it is not absolutely necessary to take more than one steroid at a time. The term you hear most often is synergy, which implies that two [or more] steroids used together will often compliment [and amplify] each other, providing a greater muscle gain than if they had been used consecutively. Though not well understood, a number of studies do suggest that different modes of action might exist for steroids outside of the androgen receptor [which would seem to support the notion that cooperative or synergistic effects can be seen with different drug arrangements]. Athletes also seem to know that certain drug combinations work extremely well together [Deca & Dianabol, testosterone and Anadrol 50, trenbolone and Winstrol etc.], which is a testament to the notion of drug synergy. But this should not be confused with the idea that you cannot make gains on one drug alone. An athlete new to the world of steroids could make exceptional gains on a cycle of testosterone, Anadrol 50 or Dianabol for example, without ever needing to add a second drug. Heavily increased dosages and multidrug stacks are likewise most prominent among those who are already very familiar with steroid use, and find they are necessary in order to continue to gain or maintain muscle mass.

Dosing and Megadosing
There are many different opinions as to exactly what dosage an individual should use of any particular drug in order to elicit optimal results. Some seem to find they make exceptional gains on relatively low dosages of most steroids, while others insist they need to administer very large amounts of androgens for the proper level of bulk. While I would be no means claim to have the solution for everybody, I would say those most steroids seem to work their best in a particular range of dosage, and usually fall short of expectations as we go higher or lower. On the one hand we may find that going below what is considered to be a normal dosage for a specific drug will cause a very poor gain to be achieved, the hormone level perhaps not rising enough above normal to stimulate a considerable response. For example, 200-800mg of testosterone enanthate per week is typically sufficient for a man to receive very formidable gains, while 50-100mg may not provide very noticeable results at all [of course this is all common sense]. On the other extreme, athletes generally find that unusually large doses [lets say 1000-2000mg per week] will provide a relatively low quality increase over that of the normal dosage range. Yes, the amount of muscle mass may be considerably more than expected with a typical dose, but this will probably not be proportionate with the gain of new body fat and water weight. The user will typically be stuck with a much more noticeable level of side effects, while receiving a poor return [as in solid muscle mass] on his money. When steroids were abundant and cheap in the 1980s, mega-dosing among recreational steroid users was not all that uncommon. No doubt paying $10.00 per week as opposed to $2.50 was not a very difficult decision to make. But today high prices will usually prevent the widespread practice of such excessive dosing, as such a cycle could cost hundreds of dollars each week. The side note to this is that one can reach an extreme level of development where year round high dosage steroid use is a necessity to maintain an anabolic state.

Cycle Duration
There are also many arguments as to how long one should stay on a steroid cycle before taking a break. Opinions range from those of cautious individuals, who are often vehement about short cycles and long off-periods, to the seriously hard-core user who suggests year round use for optimal results. Since it is really up to the individual to choose the cycle that is best for him or her, I can only provide some very basic advice. For starters, it is very important to watch your intake duration when on stronger or more toxic substances. This includes all c17 alpha alkylated orals, or high-dose cycles of easily aromatized steroids. These compounds place the most stress on your organs, and likewise should be utilized for only limited intervals [preferably less than 8 weeks]. Afterwards a break of at least as much time [preferably more] should be taken to give the body ample time to rest/recover. For those who refuse to follow such advice, blood work and regular health checkups should be an absolute necessity.

When taking milder anabolics like Deca-Durabolin, Primobolan or Equipoise, one might opt to take the drugs for a longer duration. This is due to the fact that these compounds do not act in an extremely dramatic manner, and instead promote a slow but consistent buildup of muscle tissue. With this understanding it is not unusual for an athlete to find a cycle of three, even four or more months to be the most appropriate. If used for only a short duration, the individual might find the overall gains to be uninspiring. Year round, on-all-the-time steroid use should be avoided if at all possible, as one should respect the natural hormonal balance your body strives for. The body really should be given time to regain a natural hormonal balance every so often, to ensure that there is little possibility of future problems. Although many believe the effects of these drugs to be 100% fully reversible, it is not impossible to see problems with virility, libido etc. after the body had been overloaded with hormones for many years. The health risks associated with elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure or liver toxicity are of course also important reasons the athlete should limit the duration of steroid intake.

One of the most fundamental beliefs among steroid users is that tapering, or the practice of slowly reducing their drug dosage when discontinuing a cycle, is an absolute necessity when wishing to preserve your newly gained muscle mass. It is rare to find an athlete who does not religiously dedicate [at least] three or four weeks to a tapering schedule after every serious cycle. The obvious belief is that the body will notice the lowering androgen level, and compensate by resuming the manufacture of testosterone. Unfortunately you will see that this theory is in fact, extremely flawed. This is because in order for the production of testosterone to be fully restored, the body will really need to recognize an androgen deficit, not just a drop in steroid dosage. Since for example even one Dianabol tablets could provide the equivalent of a days androgen supply for the average male, tapering from five, to four, to three etc. will accomplish relatively nothing. In the three or four weeks the athlete will spend doing this, his body is still reading "androgen overload", and is not attempting to restore the output of testosterone. This will of course hold true for all anabolic steroids, not just the strong androgens. Anecdotal evidence suggests that even tapering with mild anabolics such as Primobolan or Anavar [normally thought of as mild in terms of testosterone suppression] is enough to prevent or delay a hormonal rebound.

So if tapering is useless what should the athlete do in order to properly discontinue a steroid cycle? Of course the obvious answer is to pay much closer attention to ancillary drug use than tapering. The proper application of testosterone stimulating compounds like HCG, Clomid, Nolvadex and/or cyclofenil are the most critical, as these can greatly aid in the balancing of body hormones. [The popular methods for using all the above medications are laid out under their individual profiles.] In the few cycles I have illustrated in this section you will notice that I have not even bothered to lower the drug dosages before the ancillary drugs are added. Simply put, there is no need to. In my opinion going "cold turkey" is just the most logical option.

Sample Steroid Stacks
Sample steroid stacks are provided to demonstrate common and/or effective drug combinations in use by bodybuilders. For most of these cycles, the dosages used are in the moderate range. They are intended to represent a balance of peak effectiveness with tolerable side effects, and are also designed so that they can be assembled with very basic and common black market items. For most novice steroid users, stacks like these provide more than a sufficient level of steroid for very dramatic results. Some even find that they can make substantial progress on much less. These represent only common guidelines toward typical use, and by no means are indented to be the perfect cycles for everybody. You will also notice that I have not provided cycles geared towards women. This is quite simply because I think women should be extremely cautious with these drugs. Those absolutely determined to use them should certainly avoiding multiple drug combinations, especially as a novice to these agents.

Diamond Pattern Cycle
week of
(5mg tabs)
250mg / amp
HCG 5000
I.U./ 1 cc amp
13 tabs/day1 amp/week 
23 tabs/day1 amp/week 
34 tabs/day2 amp/week 
45 tabs/day2 amp/week 
55 tabs/day2 amp/week 
66 tabs/day3 amp/week 
76 tabs/day3 amp/week 
87 tabs/day3 amp/week 
95 tabs/day2 amp/week 
104 tabs/day2 amp/week 
113 tabs/day1 amp/week 
123 tabs/day1 amp/week 
13  1 amp/week
14  1 amp/week

3 Weeks Blitz Cycle

week of
a day (5mg)
250mg amp
2 mg tab
100mg amp
200mg vial
HCG 5000
14 tabs/day     
25 tabs/day     
36 tabs/day1 amp/week    
4 1 amps/week    
5 2 amps/week5 tabs/a day   
6  5 tabs/a day   
7  6 tabs/a day1 amp/ week  
8   2 amps/week  
9   2 amps/week1 Vial / week 
10    2 vials/week 
11    2 vials/week 
12    1 Vial / week 
13     1 amp/week
14     1 amp/week

6 Weeks Blitz Cycle

week of cycleDECAD-URABOLIN
200mg vial
tabs 50mg tab
5000 I.U.
100mg amp
tabs 2mg tab
11 Vial / week1 tab/day   
21 Vial / week2 tabs/day   
32 vials/week2 tabs/day   
42 vials/week3 tabs/day   
52 vials/week2 tabs/day   
61 Vial / week1 tab/day   
7  1 amp/ week  
8  1 amp/ week  
9   2 amps/week4 tabs/day
10   2 amps/week4 tabs/day
11   3 amps/week5 tabs/day
12   3 amps/week6 tabs/day
13   3 amps/week5 tabs/day
14   2 amps/week4 tabs/day

Inverted Pyramid

week of
200 mg vial
250 mg amps
2 mg tab
12 vials/week2 amps/week8 tabs/day
21,5 vials/week1,5 amps/week7 tabs/day
31,5 vials/week1,5 amps/week6 tabs/day
41 Vial / week1 amp/week5 tabs/day
51 Vial / week1 amp/week4 tabs/day
61 Vial / week1 amp/week3 tabs/day
70,5 Vial / week0,5 amp/week2 tabs/day
80,5 Vial / week0,5 amp/week1 tabs/day

Combination Cutting

week of
200mg vial
 2 mg tab
100mg amp
2,5mcg tab
11 amp/week3 tabs/day  
21 amp/week4 tabs/day  
32 amps/week5 tabs/day  
42 amps/week6 tabs/day  
5  1 amp/week 
6  1 amp/week1 tab/day
7  2 amps/week1 tab/day
8**  2 amps/week1 tab/day
92 amps/week   
102 amps/week   
111 amp/week   
121 amp/week   

** Contest would be at the end of week 8

Repeat 3 Week Blitz Cycle

week of
tabs 5mg tab
200mg vial
250mg amp
HCG 5000
13 tabs/day   
24 tabs/day   
35 tabs/day1 amp/week  
4 2 amps/week  
5 2 amps/week1 amp/week 
6  1 amp/week 
75 tabs/day 2 amps/week 
84 tabs/day   
93 tabs/day1 amp/week  
10 2 amps/week  
11 2 amps/week2 amps/week 
12  2 amps/week 
13  1 amp/week 
14   1 amp/week
15   1 amp/week

Alternating Cycle

week of
250 mg amp
50mg tab
HCG 5000
11 amp/week1 tab/day 
21 amp/week1 tab/day 
31 amp/week1 tab/day 
41 amp/week  
51 amp/week  
62 amps/week  
71 amp/week1 tab/day 
81 amp/week1 tab/day 
92 amps/week1 tab/day 
101 amp/week  
111 amp/week  
12  1 amp/week
13  1 amp/week

Feminine Cycle

week of
100mg amp
200mg vial
2 mg tabs
11 amp/week0,5 Vial / week 
21 amp/week0,5 Vial / week 
31 amp/week0,5 Vial / week 
41 amp/week0,5 Vial / week 
8 0,5 Vial / week2 tabs/day
9 0,5 Vial / week3 tabs/day
10 0,5 Vial / week4 tabs/day
11  3 tabs/day
12  2 tabs/day

Diamond Mass Cycle

week of cycleDECA DURABOLIN
200mg vial
250mg amp
5mg tab
HCG 5000
11 Vial / week1 amp/week5 tabs/day 
21 Vial / week1 amp/week6 tabs/day 
32 vials/week1 amp/week7 tabs/day 
42 vials/week1 amp/week8 tabs/day 
52 vials/week2 amps/week9 tabs/day 
63 vials/week2 amps/week10 tabs/day 
72 vials/week2 amps/week8 tabs/day 
82 vials/week1 amp/week6 tabs/day 
91 Vial / week1 amp/week4 tabs/day 
10   1 amp/week
11   1 amp/week

Clenbuterol Cycle

Week of cycleCLENBUREROL / day
33 (2 days on 2 days off)
43 (2 days on 2 days off)
54 (2 days on 2 days off)
64 (2 days on 2 days off)
74 (2 days on 2 days off)
83 (2 days on 2 days off)
92 (2 days on 2 days off)
101 (2 days on 2 days off)

You can increase the dosage if you do not feel any of side effects (trembling of fingers)

Popular Steroids:
Jintropin 10IU(100IU/box)
Jintropin 4IU(40IU/box)
Jintropin™ AQ 30iu (150iu/kit)
Jintropin™ AQ 30iu (300iu/kit)

Anadrol (oxymetholone)
Durabol 100, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate
Anavar (oxandrolone)
Andriol (testosterone undecanoate)
Androgel (testosterone)
Aromasin (exemestane)
Clomid (clomiphene citrate)
Cytomel (liothyronine sodium)
Deca Durabolin (nandrolone decanoate)
Anabol 50mg (Methandrostenolone)
Averbol 25 (Injectable Dianabol)
Ephedrine Level 25mg
Nucofed (Ephedrine)
Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
GP Letrozole (Letrozole)
Trenabol 75 (Trenbolone Acetate)
Halotestin (fluoxymesterone)
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin 5000IU
Somatropin 8IU
Humulin (Insulin Lispro)
Masteron 100 (Drostanolon Propionate)
Nolvadex 40mg (tamoxifen citrate)
Omnadren 250
Primobol (Methenolone Acetate) 50mg
Primoteston Depot
Cypioject (Testosterone cypionate)
Sustanon 250
Teslac (testolactone)
Testosterone Enanthate 250
Testosterone Cypionate
Testosterone Propionate
Testosterone Suspension
Trenbolone Depot (Trenbolone Enanthate)
Testolic (Testosterone Propionate) 100mg/ml, 2ml amps
Winstrol (Stanozolol)
Winstrol Depot (stanozolol) 50mg

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