Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) description, Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) side effects, Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) price, Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) substance

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Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate)

Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate)

Name Manufacturer Volume Price $ Price Quantity
Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) 10ml vial contains 200mg/mlBritish Dragon, Thailand1 vial $32.50  €28.85 

Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate) Generic Name: testosterone cypionate
Testosterone cypionate is a long acting ester of testosterone which is increasingly difficult to find.Before the scheduling of anabolics in the U.S., this was the most common form of testosterone available to athletes. Cyp had gained a reputation as being slightly stronger than enanthate and became the testosterone of choice for many. Now that anabolics are controlled, this is an almost impossible find. In general, the only versions you\'ll find on the black market are Sten from Mexico, which contains 75mg cyp with 25 mg propionate along with some DHEA, and Testex from Leo in Spain which contains 250mg cypionate is a light resistant ampule. All versions of Upjohn and Steris in multi-dose vials should be looked at with extreme caution as they are very difficult to get on the black market. Counterfeits are quite easy to obtain. Real Steris products have the inking STAMPED into the box and the labels cannot be removed from the bottle. Any variation of that is definitely counterfeit. A running dosage of test cypionate is generally in the range of 200-600mg per week. When this was available for $10.00 per10ml bottle, many users would take a whopping 2000mg per week. This kind of dosage however, is unsafe, generally not needed and in today's day and age too costly.

Package: 10 ml (2000 mg/bottle)

Effective Dose: 200 mg/week

PRODUCT NAME: Testabol Depot 200
Substance: Testosterone Cypionate
Packaging: 10ml vial contains 200mg/ml
MANUFACTURER: British Dragon / Thailand

American athletes have a long and fond relationship with Testosterone cypionate. While Testosterone enanthate is manufactured widely throughout the world, cypionate seems to be almost exclusively an American item. It is therefore not surprising that American athletes particularly favor this testosterone ester. But many claim this is not just a matter of simple pride, often swearing cypionate to be a superior product, providing a bit more of a "kick" than enanthate. At the same time it is said to produce a slightly higher level of water retention, but not enough for it to be easily discerned. Of course when we look at the situation objectively, we see these two steroids are really interchangeable, and cypionate is not at all superior. Both are long acting oil-based injectables, which will keep testosterone levels sufficiently elevated for approximately two weeks. Enanthate may be slightly better in terms of testosterone release, as this ester is one carbon atom lighter than cypionate (remember the ester is calculated in the steroids total milligram weight). The difference is so insignificant however that no one can rightly claim it to be noticeable (we are maybe talking a few milligrams per shot). Regardless, cypionate came to be the most popular testosterone ester on the U.S. black market for a very long time

As with all testosterone injectables, one can expect a considerable gain in muscle mass and strength during a cycle. Since testosterone readliy converts to estrogen, the mass gained from this drug is likely to be accompanied by quite a bit of water retention. The resulting loss of definition of course makes cypionate a very poor choice for dieting or cutting phases. The excess level of estrogen brought about by this drug can also cause one to develop gynecomastia rather quickly. Should one notice an uncomfortable soreness, swelling or lump under the nipple, an ancillary drug like Nolvadex should be added immediately. This will minimize the effect of estrogen greatly, making the steroid much more tolerable to use. The powerful anti-aromatases Arimidex, Femara, or Aromasin are yet a better choice. Those who have a known sensitivity to estrogen may find it more beneficial to use ancillary drugs like Nolvadex and Proviron from the onset of the cycle, in order to prevent estrogen related side effects before they become apparent.

Since testosterone is the primary male androgen, we should also expect to see pronounced androgenic side effects with this drug. Much intensity is related to the rate in which the body converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This, as you know, is the devious metabolite responsible for the high prominence of androgenic side effects associated with testosterone use. This includes the development of oily skin, acne, body/facial hair growth and male pattern balding. Those worried that they may have a genetic predisposition toward male pattern baldness may wish to avoid testosterone altogether. Others opt to add the ancillary drug Proscar/Propecia, that prevents the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone. This can greatly reduce the chance for running into a hair loss problem, and will probably lower the intensity of other androgenic side effects. Although active in the body for much longer time, cypionate is injected on a weekly or bi-weekly basis in order to maintain stable blood levels. At a dosage of 250mg to 800mg per week we should certainly see dramatic results. It is interesting to note that while a large number of other steroidal compounds have been made available since testosterone injectables, they are still considered to be the dominant bulking agents among bodybuilders. There is little argument that these are among the most powerful mass drugs. When taking dosages above 800-1000mg per week there is little doubt that water retention will come to be the primary gain, far outweighing the new mass accumulation. The practice of "megadosing" is therefore inefficient, especially when we take into account the typical high cost of steroids today.

It is also important to remember that the use of an injectable testosterone will quickly suppress endogenous testosterone production. It is therefore mandatory to complete a proper post cycle therapy, constisting of HCG and Clomid or Nolvadex at the conclusion of a cycle. This should help the user avoid a strong "crash" due to hormonal imbalance, which can strip away much of the new muscle mass and strength. This is no doubt the reason why many athletes claim to be very disappointed with the final result of steroid use, as there is often only a slight permanent gain if anabolics are discontinued incorrectly. Of course we cannot expect to retain every pound of new bodyweight after a cycle. This is especially true whenever we are withdrawing a strong (aromatizing) androgen like testosterone, as a considerable drop in weight (and strength) is to be expected as retained water is excreted. This should not be of much concern; instead the user should focus on ancillary drug therapy so as to preserve the solid mass underneath. Another way athletes have found to lessen the "crash", is to first replace the testosterone with a milder anabolic like Deca-Durabolin. This steroid is administered alone, at a typical dosage (200-400mg per week), for the following month or two. In this "stepping down" procedure the user is attempting to turn the watery bulk of a strong testosterone into the more solid muscularity we see with nandrolone preparations. In many instances this practice proves to be very effective. Of course we must remember to still administer ancillary drugs at the conclusion, as endogenous testosterone production will not be rebounding during the Deca therapy

Testabol Depot (Testosterone Cypionate)


Testosterone is the hormone that makes men, well, men! In this Profile, we´ll take a look at testosterone cypionate, and examine the pros and cons of its use to improve performance in athletics and bodybuilding.

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for many different physical and mental characteristics in males. It promotes sex drive, fat loss, helps with gaining and maintaining lean muscle mass and bone density and may even protect against heart disease.(1) All other steroids are actually the testosterone molecule that has been altered to change the properties of the hormone. This would make testosterone the "father" of all other steroids employed by athletes today. In fact, testosterone is the standard for the anabolic/androgenic ratio we use, it´s a "perfect" 100 score, against which we measure all other steroids.

As I previously stated, testosterone is a highly anabolic and androgenic hormone, it has an anabolic (muscle building) rating of 100, making it a good drug to use if one is in pursuit of more size and strength. And if you aren´t in pursuit of more size and strength, then why would you be reading this, right? Well, let´s get on with it and look at exactly what makes testosterone a good mass builder. Firstly, testosterone promotes nitrogen retention in the muscle (2) the more nitrogen the muscles holds the more protein the muscle stores. Testosterone can also increase the levels of another anabolic hormone, IGF-1, in muscle tissue (3). Testosterone also has the amazing ability to increase the activity of satellite cells (4). These cells play a very active role in repairing damaged muscle. Testosterone also binds to the androgen receptor to promote A.R dependant mechanisms for muscle gain and fat loss, (5) it also significantly increases the concentrations of the A. R in cells critical for muscle repair and growth and A.R in muscle.(4, 6 ). Testosterone induces changes in shape, size and also can change the appearance and the number of muscle fibers (7). Androgens like testosterone can protect your hard earned muscle from the catabolic (muscle wasting) glucocorticoid hormones (8), thus inhibiting the actions of them. In addition, Testosterone has the ability to increase red blood cell production (9), and a higher RBC count may improve endurance via better oxygenated blood. More RBCs can also improve recovery from strenuous physical activity. As you may have suspected, Testosterones´ anabolic/androgenic effects are dose dependant, the higher the dose the higher the muscle building effect (10).

Steroid.com members report massive strength gains while using testosterone (11). Testosterone improves muscle contraction by increasing the number of motor neutrons in muscle (4) and improves neuromuscular transmission (12). It also promotes glycogen synthesis (13) providing more fuel for intense workouts thus increasing endurance and strength. Also note that the water retention from testosterone use will cause the muscle to spring back when compressed during the lowering of a weight. Testosterone promotes aggressive and dominant behavior (14), this would explain the boost of confidence which gives athletes the mental edge they need to move the heavy iron.

Testosterone is also good at promoting fat loss. Having an anti-estrogenic effect it creates an ideal fat loss environment. Test binds to the A.R on fat cells resulting in fat break-down and also prevents new fat formation.(15) Another indirect action of fat loss that test produces is the nutrient portioning effect it has on muscle and fat. Since the body is building muscle at an accelerated rate more of the food you eat is shuttled to muscle tissue and away from fat.

Is there anything testosterone can´t do?

Side effects of Testosterone Cypionate

Testosterone use does have some unwanted side effects that Steroid.com members should be aware of. Testosterone can convert to the female hormone estrogen (via aromatization) by the aromatize enzyme. Excessive estrogen can lead to some nasty side effects. Breast tissue growth in men (gynecomastia), fat gain and reduced fat breakdown, loss of sex drive, testicular shrinkage and water retention. Water retention can increase blood pressure weakening blood vessels over a period of time. The use of a class of drugs to stop the testosterone from converting to estrogen called aromatize inhibitors can easily stop the estrogenic side effects. The use of HCG during a testosterone cycle can prevent the testicular shrinkage. Testosterone can also interact with the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme. This action converts the testosterone to Dihydro-testosterone (DHT), a more androgenic form of the parent hormone. DHT has a high binding affinity to the tissues of the scalp resulting in hair loss in loss in users who suffer from male pattern baldness. DHT can affect the prostate as well, making it swell. This swelling can cause the gland to press against the bladder causing urinary problems. Drugs called 5alpha-reductase inhibitors can prevent these symptoms without blocking testosterone´s anabolic effects.(16) Higher dosages of test can also negatively impact cholesterol, lowering HDL(17), constantly ignoring this can lead to a series of serious health problems down the road.

Testosterone levels decrease as we age with level dramatically falling at 50-60 years of age(18). Low test levels leads to loss of muscle mass and strength, gains in fat and loss of sex drive (18). So it is a good idea to replace testosterone with an outside source. Supplementing testosterone in older adults with sub-optimal levels may prevent or delay Alzheimer´s disease and other cognitive diseases, protect nerves, regenerate motor units, improves mood, memory, appetite, sex drive, improve bone mass and decrease the risk of heart attack and stroke(19) (20)(21)(22). This shows that test replacement significantly improves quality of life and may be a good option for middle-aged men. Caution should be taken when using higher dosages because of an increased risk of adverse side effects.(23)

Testosterone cypionate is an injectable oil which contains testosterone with the cypionate ester attached to the testosterone molecule. The ester denotes the release pattern of the test after it is injected into the body. This particular ester gives the testosterone an active life of 15-16 days, although blood levels of this drug fall sharply five days post-administration, testosterone levels are still above baseline after a week (24). Stable blood levels can be achieved with once per week injections. Steriod.com members often administer the drug twice weekly or every three to five days days. On a funny side note, many steroid users believe that test cyp is more or less powerful than the other popular injectable testosterone enanthate. The truth is, they are almost identical in release patterns, so there is virtually no difference between the two. However, as far back as the printing of the first Underground Steroid Handbook, there has been speculation that Cyp had more "kick" than Enth.

Testosterone is highly versatile and should be considered the "base" of anabolic/androgenic steroid cycles because of its muscle building potential as well as for the fact that it prevents the loss of sex drive that sometime affects those who neglect to use it with other HPTA suppressive anabolics, (especially the 19-nor family). Test can be used for any body building goal whether it´s fat loss or muscle gain. An excellent drug for beginners it´s also cheap making it a top-notch choice for anyone interested in utilizing anabolics to reach their bodybuilding or athletic goals. With regards to this particular version of testosterone, you should be paying no more than $37.50 for a 10cc bottle of it, dosed at 200mgs/ml. Of course, as usual, prices fluctuate, but I´d recommend sticking with a reputable underground lab, rather then Organon, UpJohn, or one of the many other expensive (and often counterfeited) companies.

Testosterone Cypionate Profile

Testosterone base + cypionate ester
Formula: C27 H40 O3
Molecular Weight: 412.6112
Molecular Weight (base): 288.429
Molecular Weight (ester): 132.1184
Formula (base): C19 H28 O2
Formula (ester): C8 H14 O2
Melting Point (base): 155
Melting Point (ester): 98 - 104 C
Manufacturer: Various
Effective Dose (Men): 300-2000mg+ week
Effective Dose (Women): Not recommended
Active life: 15-16 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic/Androgenic ratio:100/100.

  1. Heart. 2004 Aug;90(8):871-6.
  2. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1997 Feb;82(2):407-13.
  3. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Mar;282(3):E601-7.
  4. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2004 May;7(3):271-7.
  5. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2004 Oct;5(5):459-70.
  6. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Oct;89(10):5245-55.
  7. Anat Histol Embryol. 2003 Apr;32(2):70-9.
  8. J Lab Clin Med. 1995 Mar;125(3):326-33.
  9. Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2003;9(4):248-51
  10. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2003 Apr;88(4):1478-85
  11. steriod.com/forums
  12. J Appl Physiol. 2001 Mar;90(3):850-6.
  13. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 1999 Apr;77(4):300-4.
  14. Health Psychol. 1990;9(6):774-91.
  15. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1995 May 11;1244(1):117-20.
  16. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jan;288(1):E222-E227. Epub 2004 Sep 14.
  17. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Dec 21
  18. Sports Med. 2004;34(12):809-24.
  19. Heart. 2004 Aug;90(8):871-6.
  20. Pol J Pharmacol. 2004 Sep-Oct;56(5):509-18.
  21. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 Feb 5;99(3):1140-5. Epub 2002 Jan 22.
  22. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001 May;56(5):M266-72.
  23. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Feb;90(2):678-88. Epub 2004 Nov 23.
  24. Fertility and Sterility 33. (1980) 201-3

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